jury consulting: mini consults

Have you ever felt stuck in your trial preparation and could use another voice to get you headed in the right direction?

I've helped dozens of lawyers prepare voir dire, opening statements, cross examination, direct examination, and closing arguments as part of the consulting side of my business. But, I know that not every case and not every client can bear the expense of a full case consultation. Preparing for trial can be stressful, and it can be incredibly useful to have someone help you find some organization and direction. That's why I've added a new 90-minute mini-consult to the consulting services that I offer.

What can I use the 90-minutes for?

The short answer is .. anything you want. 

Here’s what some of my prior mini-consult clients have done with their time: 

  • outline an opening statement 
  • draft cross examination questions 
  • practice delivery of an opening statement 
  • edit your opening statement 
  • develop case theory 
  • work with a client 
  • develop direct examination for your witnesses 
  • strategize about evidence issues 
  • develop motion strategy 
  • prepare a sentencing argument 
  • assist client with making a decision about a plea offer 
  • outline a closing argument 
  • develop voir dire questions 
  • develop a negotiation strategy 
  • ask general practice/business strategy questions 

Here's how it works:

  1. Clink the link to schedule your mini-consult when it works for you. 
  2. Send me any discovery you’d like me to review before our meeting. 
  3. Let me know your goals for the mini-consult. 
  4. Show up for a zoom meeting with me for 90 minutes. 
  5. I’ll email you any work product we create during our consultation.