Win more cases by telling creative and compelling trial stories.

As a lawyer, you do a remarkable job learning every inch of the facts of your client’s case. The question becomes, what do you do with all of those facts? How do you organize them in a way that can inspire the jury to want to help your client?

Neuroscience tells us that our brains are wired for story. When you’re presenting your client’s case to a judge, a jury, or an opposing party, the best tool of motivation and persuasion is storytelling. Learn to use story structure to grab your listener’s curiosity and to motivate them to act on your client’s behalf. 


Hey, I'm Keeley Blanchard.


Kick-ass trial lawyer. Tiger Mom. Real estate addict. Laundry fairy. Extreme introvert. Morning person. Dog lover. Chief storytelling nerd.

I’ve spent two decades as a trial lawyer, trying over 70 cases to verdict during my career, all while obsessing over learning how to tell the most persuasive story.

I teach and present on trial skills for dozens of organizations nationwide, and in addition to LawStory, run a grant-funded training program for public defenders. 

I’ve now spent years studying the brain science associated with storytelling, and have developed a signature story structure for trial stories, opening statements, and closing arguments. I use that structure to help lawyers win more cases by telling creative and compelling trial stories. 

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Consulting services

Keeley Blanchard provides jury consulting, drafting of opening statements, voir dire, cross examination and closing arguments, focus groups, and client testimony preparation.

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On-demand webinars

Check out LawStory’s on-demand webinars that teach you step-by-step approaches to using storytelling in courtroom skills.

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